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Creative Challenge 2

Title: Nature Painting

Artform: Visual arts – painting

Challenge: In this activity you will learn how you can make your own paints from natural materials, including berries, spices and even soil!

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LiveGuest User
Creative Challenge 3

Title: Spinning Poi

Artform: Circus Skills: Poi

Challenge: In this activity you will learn how to create your own ‘Sock Poi’ - a piece of circus skills equipment that we will then teach you how to use to perform a range of tricks!

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LiveGuest User
Creative Challenge 5

Title: Glimmer

Artform: Visual Art

Challenge: Glimmer is a community arts project linked to ‘Unlocking the Severn’ who are restoring migratory routes for the endangered Twaite Shad Fish. We will be holding a celebration and would love your help to create some fish scales for us. It’s fun and therapeutic and we’ll give you lots of help along the way.

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LiveGuest User
Creative Challenge 6

Title: “Let’s get 3D Modelling”

Artform: Digital 3D Modelling

Challenge: Try your hand at 3D modelling with this step-by-step introduction to the basics of Tinkercad. Our fab technician will guide you through a fun and simple project, helping you to get to grips with 3D modelling.

The software is free to use and you don’t need to download anything – all you need is a computer, a mouse, and a little creativity.

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LiveGuest User
Creative Challenge 7

Title: Drawing with Fiona

Artform: Drawing

Challenge: Create a black and white picture/colouring page. Watch/draw along with Fiona’s tutorial on how to draw a house, inspired by the story of the Great Castle of Marshmangle..

Resources: White A4 paper and a black marker pen. Felt tips or colouring pencils etc

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LiveGuest User
Creative Challenge 8

Title: Make-Aways

Artform: Creative craft

Challenge: Most Gloucestershire Libraries will be offering Make-Aways. Each pack contains all you need for a simple craft. Libraries are designing their own packs based on the craft materials they have available.

To pick up a pack, check with your local library if they can offer this challenge. Individual craft instructions will be attached to the pack.

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LiveGuest User
Creative Challenge 9

Title: Teeny Tiny House

Artform: Modelling

Challenge: Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be very small, so small you could live in a teeny tiny house like this one? Or maybe you could make your home under the floorboards, inside a grandfather clock, toadstool or even inside the trunk of a large tree?

You can make your own little house and pretend that you live there or think of somebody or something who might – such as an animal, fairy, dwarf or Hobbit.


2 pint plastic milk bottles, kitchen roll or newspaper, craft glue, card, paint and paintbrush

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LiveGuest User
Creative Challenge 10

Title: Zoom to the Moon – ‘Stella’ activities

Artform: Theatre and Performance

Challenge: You are invited to Zoom to the Moon with Stella, the Star Engineer. She's the girl who lives on the Moon and it's her job to keep all the stars shining up in the sky.

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LiveGuest User
Creative Challenge 12

Title: Punky Junk!

Artform: Music Creation

Challenge: Many people think musical instruments cost lots of money, but it doesn’t have to be this way! For your Arts Award challenge, we want you to design and create some of your very own instruments from items and junk around your house. Make your very own drum kit, or rain shaker.

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LiveGuest User
Creative Challenge 14

Title: Exploring and Creating Patterns

Artform: Visual Arts - Exploring Pattern

Challenge: This activity is all about inspiring children to explore and create their own exciting, visually pleasing patterns, using interesting objects that they already have in their own homes. To further this exploration, they will be encouraged to research the work of one artist, either Adam Hillman or Andy Goldsworthy.

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LiveGuest User
Creative Challenge 15

Title: Butterfly Dreams - making butterflies from nature

Artform: Nature Art

Challenge: This activity is about collecting and using leaves, petals, flowers, seed heads, twigs, berries and anything from nature to create butterflies, bugs, beetles as art.

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