Creative Challenge 7
Drawing with Fiona
Create a black and white picture/colouring page. Watch/draw along with Fiona’s tutorial on how to draw a house, inspired by the story of the Great Castle of Marshmangle..
White A4 paper and a black marker pen. Felt tips or colouring pencils etc
Getting started:
Find out:
Artist: Fiona Parker
Fiona Parker. Has a B.A (hons) Degree in Design. Was a glass Designer/Maker for many years. In her role as a Library Assistant she designs craft activities and colouring sheets for children and creative displays in the library. She has also produced drawing tutorials and story- time sessions for Gloucestershire Libraries’ social media.
Photographs of their drawings can be displayed on the Gloucestershire Libraries Facebook page, along with their suggestions of a silly/unusual name(s) for a household object/item.
Extra challenges:
To watch the video of Fiona reading’ The Great Castle of Marshmangle’ written by Malachy Doyle and Illustrated by Paul Hess.
Could you come up with an unusual name for a household object/item? e.g Fortywink cockpit = bed.