Creative Challenge 5
Visual Art
Glimmer is a community arts project linked to ‘Unlocking the Severn’ who are restoring migratory routes for the endangered Twaite Shad Fish. We will be holding a celebration and would love your help to create some fish scales for us. It’s fun and therapeutic and we’ll give you lots of help along the way.
Use whatever materials you have to hand.
Getting started:
Using the template attached for the correct A5 (quarter A4) size and materials you can find at home, we would like you to make scales that we can add to our sculpture. Think about rivers and what they mean to you – let that inspire you! We are really excited to see what you come up with and all will be added – whether it is a 3 year olds crayon drawing, an oil painting or even a knitted fish scale! Have a go at collage, textiles, recycled arts, needle felting, painting, or drawing,
Or download more instructions here
Find out:
Artist: Jacqui Grange, Creative Solutions
Jacqui is a community artist, who delivers site specific projects – this means they happen in a particular place, and lots of people get involved in helping make the artworks. She often works with filmmaker David Grange as Creative Solutions and they work all over Gloucestershire and the West Midlands. Find out more on their facebook pages – they may be delivering other projects near you that you could get involved with:
Use the hashtag #glimmersevern
As well as completing your Arts Award, your artwork can be added to a sculpture that will be shared as part of World Fish Day on October 24th - public location to be finalised.
Send in the post (if you finish your scales before 20 September 2020) to:
Severn Rivers Trust,
Unit 5, Hope House Farm Barns,
Hope House Lane,
We will also be arranging a workshop/drop off in Gloucester and Worcester - more details to follow here.
If you are unable to do any of the above, email a photograph of your scale to: and we will print it off and add it to the sculpture.
Extra Challenge:
Make your own fish sculpture!
More ideas:
Any questions: