Creative Challenge 3



Spinning Poi 


Circus Skills: Poi  


In this activity you will learn how to create your own ‘Sock Poi’ - a piece of circus skills equipment that we will then teach you how to use to perform a range of tricks!


  1. A pair of long socks – something bright and colourful would be best, but any long socks will work for this…football socks, rugby socks, or even a pair of knee high tights! If you don’t have long socks, don’t worry, you could use 2 plastic bags in their place, this would be a great way to recycle some carrier bags! 

  2. Two ‘weights’ to put in the end of each of your poi – a bean filled ball (like a juggling ball) is perfect for this, a handful of rice sealed in a sandwich bag would also be great. You could use just about anything; another rolled up sock, an apple, an orange, a bean bag or tennis ball would all work. 


Getting started:

or have a look at World Jungle’s video on How to Make a Circus Poi (commissioned by Gloucester Culture Trust).

Find out:

Find out what circus companies are based and perform in Gloucestershire. 
Have a look here to start with:


Young people can share work with Cinderford Artspace by posting work on our facebook page; Alternatively,we can show work in our online Gallery on our website. To enter our gallery, the parent/guardian should send a photo of work, with a brief description and child’s first name to; 

Extra Challenges:

Other resource guides are available from our website here We also set weekly arty ‘challenges’ through our Facebook page and invite people to submit their work to our online gallery.

Any questions:

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