What is Discover at Home?

Discover at Home is a special on-line version of Arts Award Discover, the first level of Arts Award and is aimed at children aged 11 and under (or anyone under 25 with additional needs). Arts Award is a set of awards for children and young people that gets them involved in and excited about arts and culture and celebrates their creative achievements. 

Arts Award Discover at Home fits the bill, and is a fantastic way for children to be rewarded for the creative activities they enjoy. You can even get a certificate!

During Covid-19, it feels even more vital to highlight new ways to deliver the award remotely and engage families creatively while they are at home.

Scroll down to the Creative Challenges you can take part in at the bottom of this page. There are lots more to follow.

Discover at Home encourages children to: 

  • take part in arts activities 

  • find out more about an artist or arts organisation

  • share their arts discoveries 

Trinity College London in association with Arts Council England has designed a set of free resources which include templates, suggestions of creative activities and easy to follow guidance for parents & carers to support their children. It’s a great option for parents & carers who may not be arts specialists themselves or are looking for something different to keep children engaged and entertained.

How do I get started? 

Alongside taking part in a creative activity, children and young people will need to collect evidence of what they have done to achieve an Arts Award.

Have a look at the Discover at Home resources and guides below:

What’s happening in Gloucestershire? 

Alongside the Discover at Home resources, we have curated a series of homegrown Creative Challenges designed by locally based artists and creative organisations in Gloucestershire. There’s plenty of arts activities for children to have a go at and a means to connect with their local theatre, museum, and library until it’s possible to visit them again. 

Gloucestershire Discover at Home will be offered as an on-line resource for as long as it is needed, with new challenges added over time. We would love to hear from you if you have a creative challenge to add. 

Work you way through any of the Creative Challenges, or pursue your own ideas. You can use whatever materials you like to record your activities; writing, drawing, painting, taking photos - just get creative!

You can put together your own portfolio (or evidence) however you like, it could be a journal, or use the Discover map or log book below. All we ask is that you take a photograph of what you have been up to.


Any questions?

If you’re an Arts Award Centre, or Adviser who is planning on delivering Discover or Discover at Home, you can apply in the normal way through Trinity College.

If you are a school and new to Arts Award, then contact Sarah at Real Ideas for further guidance by email: sarah.waller@realideas.org

If you have any questions related to Arts Award and Discover at Home, contact Trinity College https://learn.artsaward.org.uk/discover-at-home

Any help or guidance about Arts Award in Gloucestershire, contact Louise Bardgett at Create Gloucestershire by email: louise@creategloucestershire.co.uk

Have fun and get creative! 

What next?

You can do any of the challenges below just for fun, or you can complete all 3 sections of Discover at Home to receive an official Arts Award certificate from Trinity College London. 

Please read the checklist to make sure you are ready to submit your work to an Arts Award centre:

  1. Your child has completed all 3 parts of Discover at Home 

  2. Your child has collected all the evidence needed for the award e.g. a photo, log book or map

When you are ready email: louise@creategloucestershire.co.uk who can help you with the final steps to register for the award.

Creative challenges