catalyst: applications for Train the Trainers – an Opportunity

We are looking for 2-3 people interested in taking part in a new Train the Trainers course starting in February 2020. Create Gloucestershire (CG) is offering this opportunity to meet additional need in our team for facilitators, trainers and coaches as we grow over the next 3 years. You don’t need to be a coach, trainer or facilitator to apply: we are more interested in finding people with a passion to bring about individual and creative change in Gloucestershire with an open and optimistic mind set.

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The Creative Leadership Trainee Programme

In March 2019, Gloucester Culture Trust launched the Creative Leadership Trainee Programme. The aim: to nurture the future creative leaders of today.

The programme has created four full-time, year-long jobs within four of Gloucester’s creative organisations, all of which are fully funded by the Creative Entrepreneurs strand of the city’s Great Place project. This area of our work, which we call JOLT, is about creating opportunities and a supportive space which enables people to work and make a living in the creatives industries, right here in Gloucester. 

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Culture | Data | Learning: creative lab

Join Create Gloucestershire for this hands-on lab exploring where data and art meet. 

Are you an artist interested in how data might shape your creations? Or do you work with data, and want to explore how to look at it in new ways? We want you to join us and get creative though team projects to discover, explore and represent data about the cultural education landscape in Gloucestershire. 

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catalyst: a development programme for people in Gloucestershire who want to kickstart and sustain change

We are delighted to have been selected by Arts Council England to develop a leadership development programme to address specific issues around diversity in leadership - amongst 18 fabulous other projects nationwide. We will be posting more about our project in the coming weeks but in the meantime please take a look at the ace website to find out more about the programme.…/transforming-leadership Arts Council England 

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Culture | Data | Learning: creative lab

Join Create Gloucestershire for this hands-on lab exploring where data and art meet. 

Are you an artist interested in how data might shape your creations? Or do you work with data, and want to explore how to look at it in new ways? We want you to join us and get creative though team projects to discover, explore and represent data about the cultural education landscape in Gloucestershire. 

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Tewkesbury Pop Up

Are you interested in making Tewkesbury a more vibrant, fun and creative place?  If so come along to Tewkesbury Library on Wednesday 23 October 1.30 – 3.30pm to meet other like-minded creatives  for free cake, refreshments as well as conversation and new ideas.  

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