Wyldwood Arts
Wyldwood Arts
Wyldwood Arts provides high quality, professional arts engagement activities to areas in the community who are most at need, to those who may have barriers to arts engagement or to those who would otherwise not participate in the creative arts without the support of outreach services. These include older people, therapeutic arts for those with special educational needs, and children and young people from disadvantaged backgrounds.
We produce and run intergenerational projects, festivals, events educational workshops and art therapy projects. We are based in Gloucestershire, however we also work in Bristol, North Somerset and Herefordshire.
Wyldwood Arts CIC
Walnut Tree Cottage
Church Hill
GL17 9SW
T 07877 581 740
E rachel@wyldwoodarts.co.uk
W wyldwoodarts.co.uk
T @wyldwoodarts
This film, produced by @forestersforest shows how we have come together since 2017 and delivered an amazing range of activities and events involving the wider community to generate a strong sense of community spirit.