The ZIG/ZAG Project

The ZIG/ZAG Project


The ZIG/ZAG Project was set up in 2022 by neurodivergent writer Liz Bell, as a place to gather and connect ideas about what it means to ‘think differently’ in a world set up for a neurotypical majority.

From this starting point, a broader vision has emerged. By building collaborative, mutually supportive partnerships with people and organisations from across the non-profit and public sectors,

ZIG/ZAG is now helping communities of all kinds to imagine, co-create, and advocate for a more neuro-inclusive society.

Twitter: @zigzagprojectuk

Contact: Liz Bell on 07796033490

Image Credit: ZIG/ZAG via

Alt Image Text: A multi-coloured, zig-zag patterned letter Z on a black background

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This film, produced by @forestersforest shows how we have come together since 2017 and delivered an amazing range of activities and events involving the wider community to generate a strong sense of community spirit.