Louise Bardgett

Louise Bardgett


Alongside my core project management work, I work independently as a movement specialist, trainer and collaborative artist in learning, care and health based settings and have a particular interest in working with early years and older people on enquiry and partnership based initiatives.

As a movement specialist, I am interested in seeing how children move and physically respond to spaces indoors and outdoors, with each other and with different provocations though a free flow, visual and multi-sensory approach. I am passionate about the value of creative play and how environments (both indoors and outdoors) can be transformed to support curiosity and exploration, using open-ended, everyday and reworked materials.  With a particular interest in working with the very young and older people, I enjoy working collaboratively and deliver large-scale, outdoor projects and training across the Midlands as part of theVERYidea artist collective.   Having come to the end of a 3 year Creative Ageing programme in residential care settings with people with dementia in Gloucestershire,  I am now part of a new exciting collective, Open Arms Artists' Collective with other dance/storymaking practitioners who work creatively with older people in Gloucestershire.. 

I also work with Create Gloucestershire as the Programme Manager, currently leading on Kickstart and the catalyst leadership programme.

Louise Bardgett
Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, 

T 07775 900177
E louise.bardgett@hotmail.co.uk
W theveryidea.co.uk W openarmsartists.org.uk

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