This Is How We Do It // Let Artists Be Artists
Over the past couple of years, quite a few people have asked us to tell us more about the way we're doing things. We want to hear about how other people are taking on some of the challenges we all face, too!
So we're going to open a room on Zoom again on Tue 23rd January 2024 11:00AM - Midday for an hour to give some space for sharing and discussion about the practice of contemporary arts, cultural events and maybe even social change – in our city of Gloucester and beyond.
Our events are open to everyone – so you are always more than welcome to come along for free. We are also a charity and rely on donations to keep putting on events like this – so any amount you can give is hugely appreciated!
Image Credit: Strike A Light
Alt Image Text: Pink and Black photograph of a woman with hoop earrings looking skyward