How can your organisation figure out data?

Alice Kershaw, Head of Digital Transformation at the Royal Society of Wildlife Trusts, will talk about the journey around data happening in the Wildlife Trust federation. Moving from their 2030 strategy ambition to be more data-informed, to developing a roadmap for data culture, running tests of working in new ways across the federation to develop data maturity, skills, ways of working, and infrastructure.

​Wildlife Trust's Trustee, Ian Jackson will give a real example of what the journey can look like years on, talking through OneGeology and how learnings from that have fed into what we do at the Trusts.

This webinar is hosted by the Data Collective, a community for people who work with data in the social sector.

When: 4th of September

12pm - 1pm on zoom.

Join the webinar 'Getting to the root of data at your organisation'