Manifesto and story of change

Manifesto Pledges: all

Snapshot: CG worked with members to develop ambition for the arts and cultural sector over the next seven years. This is our manifesto, which you can view on our website here. In 2012-2013 we undertook a series of workshops with our members to identify what needed to happen in the arts and cultural sector to achieve those outcomes. This resulted in a wide-ranging list of ideas, tasks and programmes, which we then prioritised to form the basis of our 2015-16 plan, supported by ACE.

Priorities: Create a shared vision for Gloucestershire that everyone can sign up to, and show how the work they’re doing feeds into the bigger picture for the region.  To enable, encourage and support the sector to work collectively to meet need, respond to opportunities, and learn with each other.

Coming up: We have received support from ACE to develop our organisation and the sector over the next two years, 2015-16. We have also obtained funding support from Paul Hamlyn Foundation to develop an evaluation toolkit that will help us “prove and improve” the value of the sector which you can read more about here

Key people: all CG members

Investors: CG main budget; Arts Council England; Paul Hamlyn Foundation. 

Last updated: 2/3/15
