Growing Places Exhibition and Weekend Gathering

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Image Credit: Growing Places

25th January  until 23rd February

Growing Places exhibition Museum in the Park, Stroud, GL5 4AF


This 10 month arts project explored and connected  food, farming and the community through a broad range of workshops around Stroud, constructions, walks, composting and a series of artists resident in a Ginger Bread House. Work will be on display by those artists and by many members of the community groups who have been involved. 

1st and 2nd February

The Growing Places Gathering: a weekend celebration and harvesting of the fruits of the project with events to map paths for future links between art, landscape and community.


This second weekend of the exhibition has two  aims: firstly,  to look back at what’s been discovered during the project. The next aim is to find approaches for the future which  will bring communities more closely into contact with farms, food and nature through engagement with artists.

As well as finding out about all the elements of the project, there’ll be workshops, singing and food and the chance to meet other people who’ve made work in the exhibition

Please register your interest via this google form to help us get an idea of numbers for catering, materials, seating etc.