Do One Thing is a four-year project funded by the National Lottery Community Fund. It aims to help people to take their first step in helping the environment and wildlife.

They are running sessions with community groups and schools, attending events and enhancing green spaces. In the Forest of Dean, Forest Voluntary Action Forum are working with GWT. The project is due to run until September 2027, aiming to reach thousands of people across the county. 

They are looking for volunteers to help with events and/or sessions. For events this may include putting up / down a gazebo, setting up the table and then helping to run the activity. For sessions this would entail helping to run the activity. Events usually last 5 hours or so, and sessions usually run for 1-2 hours. 

  Do One Thing activities usually involve making something which may benefit the environment and / or wildlife. This includes activities such as making pinecone birdfeeders, terrariums, mini insect hotels, assembling bird boxes, making beeswax wraps and many more. The activities are very varied so it is likely that volunteers will be doing a range of activities at sessions / events. 

To find out more, please contact Carmen Orr - Do One Thing Officer: 

01452 383 333 / 07485 307 212 

Alt Image Text: A green flyer with the information contained within this blogpost.

Image Credit: Gloucestershire Wildlife Trust