Meet Alice - the first child to pass her Discover at Home Arts Award!
Discover at Home is a special on-line version of Arts Award Discover, the first level of Arts Award and is aimed at children aged 11 and under (or anyone under 25 with additional needs). Arts Award is a set of awards for children and young people that gets them involved in and excited about arts and culture and celebrates their creative achievements.
Alice is the first child to pass the Discover at Home award as part of the CG network and we’re delighted to share her achievement with you.
To get started with her Discover at Home Art Award Alice joined an art session with visual artist, Debbie Kersley.
She found out that to get her award she needed to:-
1: take part in creative or arts activities and discover different types of ‘art’
2: find out about at least one artist and their work
3: share with others what they enjoyed and learned through doing Discover at Home
For the first part Alice chose to do the ‘Imagining Age’ creative challenge which was devised in partnership with Age UK Glos. The challenge involves finding out about an older person and their chosen lockdown object and then imagining what they might look like.
Debbie described the process:
“Alice learnt all about how to draw different emotions in a portrait. We heard some stories from older people and Alice chose to draw a lady who described how her dogs had kept her going through lockdown. Her imagination portrait shows the lady feeling happy with her dogs and sad without them. The lady was very happy to see her imagined portrait.”
Her artwork was then shared with the group and also with the person it was based on who was really pleased with her portrayal.
The next stage of the award is to find out about an artist. Alice chose Debbie herself!
Alice thought of questions to ask her and emailed them over - she found out lots about Debbie including that her favourite artist was Matisse! With some help she created a Power point slide which she presented to her family explaining the arts award and her chosen artist.
And that’s it. Once Alice had completed all three steps her mum registered her achievements so she could receive her very own Arts Award certificate.
Well done Alice!
Find out more about Arts Award Discover at Home here.
Find out more about the artists and organisations involved with this challenge:
instagram: @debk_artist
With thanks to Stephen Moore at AgeUk Gloucestershire